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18. Juli 2022 1 18 /07 /Juli /2022 12:48

it's fantastic! a 12 Minute Freestyle rap on first hip-hop ever on the record from a time they'll do punk, 1978. A 12" single, the recording sent to radio stations and magazines, fanzines and promoters around the globe in about 1000 paper letters. What happened? They ignored. Because high cost of material audio casettes where trend, so guess they erased for own purpose. 200 letters came back, these adresses failed. Now this one found together with sketches, papers, all mint. Congrats to my Limbo Workshop! Give you this video, less than two minutes, had no time for complicate filming. ©W.O.T.

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26. November 2021 5 26 /11 /November /2021 13:30


Emil Nolde hat  Arbeitsverbot, Ausstellungs- Objekt. 

Einzel- Multiples, Singular- Multiples, a Portrait- Die Farben von Emil Nolde. Das ist Emil Nolde, interpretiert von Zetterlink, nach seinem Arbeitsverbot im Dritten Reich. this is Emil Nolde, interpretation by Zetterlink, after his work was banned by the rulers of the Third Reich Germany. A portrait. Colours of his work transposed into todays dimension. Music by zipOz, Wolf g.u.i.t.a.r.gang - here is the movie: Emil Nolde hat Arbeitsverbot. the art whispering ©gallery ma king off - Curator W.O.T.

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