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12. November 2017 7 12 /11 /November /2017 20:47

German writer Sigrid Bernstein, who appears as "Top Secret" in many lectures, held one audition yesterday night in the Café Lühmann, Hamburg Blankenese, with guests from the Musikkreis. Her Novel "Untergrundrauschen" was prepared for a next theater play performed by members from the Musikkreis. S.B. held a reading from another novel, titled "der Parasit" from Michel Serres. Serres has his own thesis, unlike other authors about this theme. Wolf O.T. asked S.B., how this exploiting thesis from "der Parasit" must connect to her novel "Untergrundrauschen". After few provocations it came out, that another female author, her name is Ginka Steinwachs, associated "Untergrundrauschen" with "der Parasit" from Michel Serres and reasoned that artists do their work, but the talking about these works by people without any sense of humor or imagination will be destructible to these works. These people are the "parasit".  
Thereafter Wolf O.T. analyzed the brute form of language of authors in the 1950ties. If Marlowe or others, the Germans has these brute force of communication too. Wolf O.T. said, that it can be reviewed in the Analysis "die Sprache des Nationalsozialismus" from Victor Klemperer (LTI).
In "Untergrundrauschen" S.B. formed personalities like Kreon - a modern and selfish investor, who blame and press people. She then claimed that Wolves occupied the sources, and they like to blame the sheep, who only able to drink the water far away from the source for still contaminating the water. 

Photo made by Wolf g.u.i.t.a.r gang O.T. with FX GIMP’s illusion.

We can surely be courious how this new theater play will be developed at the next meeting from musikkreis on the 25th of November in the Stiftungs project "das Reh", starting at 6pm.

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